My passion, my life...

My photo
Buffalo, NY, United States
I'm Amanda. Mostly known as Mar!lyn Mand!e©. I'm 19 years young, and I'm here to share beauty with you all. I love makeup in all forms. I love bringing my creations to life. I've tried a lot of things in the past that may catch my interest. I never found anything, until now. My passion and now my life is beauty. Here, I will be posting up videos and posts to teach you how you can create the same looks as I do. I will also be posting up the products that I use and where you can get them from, here. I will also try and post up a new makeup tutorial each day. A long with photos as well. I hope you enjoy! =D

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hello all;

So, I have some great plans now I that I made this account with this site. That means, more tutorials for the ones who have been wanting them, and product lists. For the products that I use and where you can purchase them.
Any who, I just got done filming a new makeup tutorial for you all today. It's called Neon Rainbow. At first, while editing this video, I wasn't to pleased with it. Then I played around with it some more, and I became fond of it.
Also, the Ruby Gloom Inspired Look Makeup Tutorial will be deleted and I will be re-making that video. I'm not pleased with it at all. The video is WAY TO LONG and I couldn't keep the camera focused on my face at the time. It was just to complicated. So, a new tutorial for that look will be posted up very soon.
If you have any requests on any videos that you would like me to do for any look, send me a message and let me know what you would like to see. I'm always looking for new ideas and inspirations. So pretty, pretty please send me ideas and requests? It would mean a lot and it would be great for those who want to learn and see more. (=

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