My passion, my life...

My photo
Buffalo, NY, United States
I'm Amanda. Mostly known as Mar!lyn Mand!e©. I'm 19 years young, and I'm here to share beauty with you all. I love makeup in all forms. I love bringing my creations to life. I've tried a lot of things in the past that may catch my interest. I never found anything, until now. My passion and now my life is beauty. Here, I will be posting up videos and posts to teach you how you can create the same looks as I do. I will also be posting up the products that I use and where you can get them from, here. I will also try and post up a new makeup tutorial each day. A long with photos as well. I hope you enjoy! =D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd Degree Burn (Freddy Krueger Inspired Look)

Freddy Krueger... My favorite killer of all time. Robert England's character inspired me to create this look. It may not be just like Freddy's burns, but don't forget, this is just an inspired look. Turn yourself into a nightmare, and haunt the teenagers in their dreams. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and good luck! =D

XO XO Mar!lyn Mand!e© (;

Products that I used:

Toilet Paper
Regular Glue
Face Paint in Red and Black (Purchased at Party City or any Halloween store)
HotTopic's Duo Powder Eyeshadow (In Red and Black)
NK High Definition Eyeshaodw (In Black)
Claire's Designer Eyes Makeup Book 
Home Made Fake Blood

My very first horror movie that I ever watch was the Nightmare on Elm Street as a child. After the first time watching it, I fell in love with Robert England and his famous roll of Freddy Krueger. 
Freddy Krueger (Robert England), inspired me to create this look. The old Freddy Krueger though. When Freddy first started in the older film. When he was actually all bloody and burnt. The newer Freddy is cool, but not as good. Lol! xD