My passion, my life...

My photo
Buffalo, NY, United States
I'm Amanda. Mostly known as Mar!lyn Mand!e©. I'm 19 years young, and I'm here to share beauty with you all. I love makeup in all forms. I love bringing my creations to life. I've tried a lot of things in the past that may catch my interest. I never found anything, until now. My passion and now my life is beauty. Here, I will be posting up videos and posts to teach you how you can create the same looks as I do. I will also be posting up the products that I use and where you can get them from, here. I will also try and post up a new makeup tutorial each day. A long with photos as well. I hope you enjoy! =D

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tutorial for my makeup idol! :3

So, I want to create a special look for my makeup idol. The person who inspired me so much to go back to school to become a makeup artist. This video is going to be a thank you video to her, and it's also going to be a look that is going to be my inspired look for a look that she created back in the past. I'm going to be doing my own little thing to the look to make her jaw drop. Lmao!
I'm very excited about this and I really hope she enjoys it. It's crazy how one normal person like you and me can inspire another and go for a dream.
This video will be posted up later on tonight after I finish putting the rest of the look together, and I will announce then who it's for. After, be sure to check out her YouTube Channel and subscribe! Follow her blog as well, because she is just that amazing at what she does.

I'll be back tonight! <3

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