My passion, my life...

My photo
Buffalo, NY, United States
I'm Amanda. Mostly known as Mar!lyn Mand!e©. I'm 19 years young, and I'm here to share beauty with you all. I love makeup in all forms. I love bringing my creations to life. I've tried a lot of things in the past that may catch my interest. I never found anything, until now. My passion and now my life is beauty. Here, I will be posting up videos and posts to teach you how you can create the same looks as I do. I will also be posting up the products that I use and where you can get them from, here. I will also try and post up a new makeup tutorial each day. A long with photos as well. I hope you enjoy! =D

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Split Lip Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to create a split lip. This wound doesn't just have to be on the lip, but anywhere else you want scrapes and scratches. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and good luck! =D

XO XO Mar!lyn Mand!e© ;)

Products that I used:

Ben Nye Nose and Scar Wax
Spirit's Bottle of Blood
Spirit's Liquid Latex
Foundation (Or Concealer) 
Covergirl Loose Powder (Number 105)
Party City Face Paint (Red and Black)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette

I remember the night after filming this tutorial. I walked outside into my living room where my roommate and all of his friends were, and they all thought that my boyfriend beat the hell out of me. Lmfao! At first, we played along, but then they started getting pissed off because they actually thought it happened. So I had to take it off to prove to them it was just makeup. It was one of the funniest moments ever. 
After I took it off, my roommate Dylan said it was cool how I made it looked like I whipped some of the blood off my face like I was really hurt. 
God, I love how creative I can get with this stuff. xD

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