My passion, my life...

My photo
Buffalo, NY, United States
I'm Amanda. Mostly known as Mar!lyn Mand!e©. I'm 19 years young, and I'm here to share beauty with you all. I love makeup in all forms. I love bringing my creations to life. I've tried a lot of things in the past that may catch my interest. I never found anything, until now. My passion and now my life is beauty. Here, I will be posting up videos and posts to teach you how you can create the same looks as I do. I will also be posting up the products that I use and where you can get them from, here. I will also try and post up a new makeup tutorial each day. A long with photos as well. I hope you enjoy! =D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pokemon Series Season 1- Gastly

Another look for my Pokemon Series, Gastly. The small, but scary Ghost/Poison Pokemon. The baby forms of Haunter and Gengar. Not as powerful as the others, but haunting to the human eye.
This tutorial will show you how to turn yourself into this frightening baby ghost Pokemon using very little non-expensive makeup products that you can find online, or in your local drug store. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and good luck! =D

XO XO Mar!lyn Mand!e© ;)

Products that I used:

Hard Candy's Primer
Hard Candy's "Just Face It" Foundation
Hard Candy's Glamoflaugh Heavy Duty Concealer
Maybelline Shimmer Powder (Loose Powder)
Coastal Scents 88 Palette
Prestige Eye Pencil (Black)
Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner (Black)
Glitter Eyeliner
Black Mascara
Hard Candy's Eyeshadow (Number 274 "Supernova")

This look for Gastly just popped into my head one night without thinking about it. This look was ot just inspired by Gastly, but the ghostly smoke that follows around behind him, which is a deep purple color, and a tint of hot pink. The coloring on this Pokemon's unique body also shows that he's not just a ghost Pokemon, but a poison one as well.



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